Events & Conferences
Europe Biomanufacturing Summit 2023Find Prestige Biologics at the European Biomanufacturing Summit and examine the latest trends, insights and best practices in biomanufacturing.
BIO KOREA 2023Through various programs of BIO KOREA 2023 including Conferences, Business Partnering, Exhibition, and Invest Fair, exchange the newest bio-health trends and technology as well as get the global expansion business opportunity with Prestige Biologics
DCAT WeekDCAT Week is the premier global event held annually in New York City for companies engaged in the Bio/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Value Chain. It is hosted by the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT)
22ND ANNUAL PEPTALK22ND ANNUAL PEPTALKJanuary 16-20, 2023San DIEGO, CAhttps://www.chi-peptalk.comThis is the second conference we are participating in in the upcoming 2023Scroll down and contact us
BIO Partnering at JPMBIO Partnering at JPMJanuary 9-12, 2023San Francis, CA is the first conference we are participating in in the upcoming 2023Scroll down and contact us
CPHI Worldwide 2022CPHI(Convention on Pharmaceutical Ingredients)November 1-3, 2022 Messe Frankfurt, Germany Booth #91G10, BioProduction zone
BIO EUROPE 2022BIO EUROPE 2022October 24-26, 2022Leipziger Messe, Leipzig, GermanyBooth #104
2022 KoNECT-MOHW-MFDS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE2022 KoNECT-MOHW-MFDS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEOctober 12-14, 2022 Conrad Hotel Seoul, Korea Booth #40, A21, 3F Grand Ball Room
BioProcess International 2022BioProcess International 2022September 27-30, 2022Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, Boston, MA, USABooth #1142